Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Be Carefree for teens

Has stress ever overwhelmed you?

  1. Remember that life is yours and you can control it. Even if things are going badly, you can work through it no matter what.
  2. Know that school may be a big stress factor, but life is not all about getting A's or B's. It's absolutely fine if you fail a test or get a D in a class (although don't set getting a D as a goal). Everyone has that subject that just doesn't click with them. Do focus on doing well, but don't awfulize the situation if you don't get straight A's and B's.
  3. Remember that if you feel better following your dreams, whether it be traveling around the world, becoming a tattoo artist (or any artist), surfing, joining a band, then do it. Life isn't about following the rules that have been laid out for all those people fit for school; it's about taking advantage of it because you only have one live it. You, as an individual; as a life, deserve to experience the world as the beautiful place that it is, and not as a soul-crushing education system.
  4. Focus on what matters. Don't let desires for wealth, status, or good looks get in the way of actually enjoying your life.
  5. If none of this cheers you up, consider getting into a hobby of your choice, listening to some mood-fitting music, writing, or drawing.
  6. Here are some quotes that will remind you to live life the way you want it:
    "Feel the fear and do it anyway because even though it's not too late now, someday it will be."
    "When you look back on the previous years, if you don't laugh or cry, consider it wasted."
    "Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
    "Live each day like there ain't going to be a tomorrow".


  • If you feel crummy, force yourself to smile or raise your eyebrows. It releases a chemical that makes you feel happy.
  • And if all else fails, do something good for someone else. Help a friend or just do a random act of kindness. This also releases a natural chemical that gives you a natural high.

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