Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I sense people's feelings too much!
I can't bear much!
I might just explode some day..!
Straying all my friends away from me!
By then, everyone will be worrying me, keep bugging me,
and i dun want to explain too much.
Partly it is because they have their problems,
I dun want to burden them,
But its mainly because they are nobody to me..
Except for few of my dearest friends.

Althought u might see this as a emo post.
But i would like to tell u that,
This is who i am nowadays!
I'm no more the Sandra Liew Pei Yee u see in Secondary School.
My secondary school mate was telling me that,
"why u changed so much after going to Taylors?"
In the past, she is the girl who doesn't care things much.
She do wadever she likes, talk wadever she wants.
laugh when there's ntg happy to laugh.. a total lamer!
happy go lucky girl, worry-less, playful.... etc
BUT, today!~ she has gone to somewhere far far away.
The spirit of REAL is gone now! and not coming back..
until the enviroment favour the old soul.. to persuade her to come back
I dun want to be so happy go lucky like those days..
Because the new eviroment is full with insincere happenings
The bad feelings towards others, hatred, evil-ness, anger, unablity to tolerate, fakeness .......
*awwwwwwwww!! i dun want to name them anymore!*
And I hate it so much!
There's not many ppl who i can share it with.
So, i prefer keeping it silent.
Let the silent flow all the way...

Silent stones?...
Maybe i shall be the one...


  1. 我明白你的感受~ 打華語比較可以表達~
    礙....在Inti 也是一樣啦....很多人都是unpredictable...我有時候就太在乎人家的感受....搞到自己不開心~長大了出來才看到社會裡真的什麼人都有~好的壞的利用你的取笑你的看不起你的....覺得自己在這裡沒什麼朋友~又想到可能都要去美國了~在這邊就當做是短暫的居住吧!大學的朋友只是這段時間的過客而已...畢業了以後他們什麼都不是....在我們往目標的路上可能只佔了區區的 0.01%....在外面假一點無所謂啦.又是人需要假假才可以生存下來....適時的真和假都需要~回到家就把自己真的那一面Show 出來啦...反正在大學很多都是假假的嘛~無所謂喔~管人家想法...開心就好~不爽就發洩一下~ 沒問題的!

  2. who who who is being insincere ?

    therez nothing to keep. letz it go instead.

    if yar keep it all to yarself, it will turnz into a timebombz.

    and thiz is normal , iz no all rainbow and sunshinez all the timez.
